Monday, August 17, 2009

Mental Exhaustion

I'm such a bad blogger...over a month in between posts...My bad. Now that that is out of the way.

My past month has been filled with multiple (5 I think) wedding receptions (for work, not fun), a trip to Iowa for a family reunion, some house guests and apparently a roller coaster ride. No, I did not get to go to a theme park (however that sounds fun and I need to look into it), my hubby has started his search for a Head Professional job.

Now, first I must start by saying that I have 100% confidence in his abilities and believe that ANY club would be lucky to have him...however, I may be a little biased. Whatever, I'm a wife, I'm supposed to be! AND IT'S TRUE.

So our combined mental state over the past week or so has been very bi-polar if you will. However, the blessing in this is that when he is down I am usually up and vice versa, so I can talk him into confidence when needed and he can help me to simmer and realize that I am a freak of planning and I tend to put the cart before the horse.

This process entails a lot of preparation, late nights of resume and cover letter writing and patience. The first 2 I got in the bag...done it a million times, no problem. The last one...not so much. As my Dad says...."I have the patience of a land mine." So a few things to note:
A) This process could take from 3 months to over a's all about finding the right fit.
B) I am a planner and I can't PLAN's not in my control and that is driving me nuts. Apparently I am a smidge of a control freak.
C) The idea of a head pro job means a move, a new house, possibly a new job for me, possibly a new state...who knows...did I mention I can't plan this?

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

So the first resume was sent out this afternoon and hopefully many more to come. So if you pray...pray for my patience and my husband's understanding of his planner freak of a wife. If you cross your fingers...cross all 10 and your toes that we land where we should. If you wish, wish upon a star for anything!

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